Hi Dwight,

On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 16:06:23 -0600 UTC (1/5/2011, 4:06 PM -0600 UTC my
time), Dwight Corrin wrote:

        .... snip ....

D> The  messages  are  sitting  in  the outbox, with an hourglass in the 
D> parked  column,  and  also in the sent mail folder. The one which was 
D> sent  to  a  mailing  list  in  fact appeared there soon after it was 
D> originally  dispatched.  

I can confirm this also, happens at various random times, when I send
mail, and it shows up in the outbox, but checking my actual mailserver
logs, I can see the email in fact has been sent and delivered, yet the
mail still is in the outbox. I am not using the Connection Center.


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