On Friday, January 7, 2011, 2:00:02, NetVicious wrote:

> There  are  new  options  for  show  the hint. You could change it on 
> preferences to see it on the near mouse place.

The hints are useless and the preferences don't work properly (setting
them to Disabled causes URL hints to sometimes stay on screen until TB
is restarted).

What's wrong with classic Windows tooltips, which are:
- small
- unintrusive
- don't steal mouse focus
- disappear as soon as you move the mouse away

These new hints in TB are anything but that. I know that somebody
thought they were a great idea, but the way they're currently
implemented they are a serious annoyance - they cover way too much
text, they don't disappear when the mouse leaves the area that
triggered them, and worst of all, if I happen to move my mouse over
the hint and then try to scroll with my mouse wheel, the text in the
hint will be scrolled instead of the window it's covering.

These hints are a usability nightmare, and if they stay in like this
in the final version I will have to look for another e-mail client
(yes, they're annoying enough that they destroy all of the advantages
TB has).

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

[ The Bat! BETA on Windows 7 6.1.7600. ]

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