Hello Alto!

On Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 4:11:27 PM you wrote:

> The question of a v5 release therefore is not whether v5 at this point
> in time is perfect, but whether it's better than the current v4
> release.

I beg to differ. First of all, I do not have any unforeseeable errors
with v4, nothing out of the blue. Quite honestly I don't remember any
showstoppers. Mind, I do not use IMAP. That is not to say that v4 is
perfect but it works quite well for what it was originally programmed
- and it does not throw unexplainable errors at the user.

The last point is vital! IME it is the little nags which put off
people a lot easier than one biggie [as long as the program functions
at all, which for v4 is not necessarily the case for IMAP]. At the
current stage v5 looks a lot more like a lab case, to try out how
developer's ideas would work in general. A case in point is the - in
my view completely superfluous - new 'hints', getting in the way
instead of improving handling of TB.

Contemplate a potential new user of TB happening upon a program that
constantly reports errors, that loses [much touted!] view modes,
obstructs my reading of mails with unnecessary "hints"*, shows
non-existing messages, does not move deleted messages to the Trash
folder but simply lets them vanish, annoyingly leaves open empty
Message Browser windows, does not filter correctly. Be sure, this
potential user will uninstall TB within an hour or two, probably
actively do negative marketing.

I would probably be a little more confident if I had seen any of the
reported problems go away but they stay while the release notes are
rather short with many a headscratcher. Currently v5 is ALPHA, I would
be slightly disappointed to see it as a BETA. It is definitely not a
good idea to make this a public release.

*i.e. a hint containing a link my mouse hovers over when the link in
the mail is already fully shown in the mail.

Dierk Haasis
[DH² Publishing]

The Bat BETA on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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[Terry Pratchett]

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