Hi Jernej,

>> My  question  here  is  if  not removing data nor clearing register is
>> something  that is supposed to happen while uninstalling?

> Yes. Windows does not offer any reliable way to remove user-specific
> settings (both registry and files, stored in the user profile
> directory) at uninstall time (since there's no guarantee that the
> uninstaller is running as the same user that used the program; also,
> even if that was the case, there's no way to know if the profile is
> shared between multiple computers, and the uninstall is happening on a
> single computer).

If I understand your reasoning properly we should never ever uninstall
any software nor remove any entries from register.
I might be mistaken but it's rather not a common approach.
The  software 'knows' what it modifies and where or at least should be
able to scan some files (ex: registry file) for it's own entries.

Database on HDD
If  TB!  creates  data folder (can be created at a folder appointed by
user  not  necessarily  at  user profile's directory) it exactly knows
where  it  is  so can should be able to delete it or at least let user
know that it's left there. In my opinion it's quite heavy issue...
Even  if  it's shared between multiple computers (or network share) it
can  operate  on  it  so  can  remove it as well - rights for that are
granted on OS level.

Entries in Registry
Same  as  above  -  I  mean for instance a whole group called RIT with
subgroups   'Spell   Check'   and  'The Bat!' - it's all left there in
the  registry  after  uninstall and it's not allowing you to install a
clean copy of TB! - because you always get a e-mail box you just tried
to remove.

There   are   much  more  TB!'s entries in the register than mentioned
above,  for  instance in Installer / TBVars (and subgroups) / The Bat!
mailto (and subgroups) / .... and so on.

For   instance   if   somehow   data file gets corrupted and TB! can't
properly start with that file, even if you uninstall your software and
install  it  again  it  won't  run because of all this leftovers after
previous uninstall. Something is not right here...

Best regards,

The Bat! 5.0.8
Windows7 Professional (x64) Polish (SP1)
OTFE Enabled ; so far only 3 POP3 accounts

The Bat! 5.0.10
Windows7 Ultimate (x64) English (SP1)
OTFE Enabled ; so far only 3 POP3 accounts

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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