Hi Raymund,

>> Should   I   understand  that  if  I uninstall for instance Corel, Open
>> Office,   Thunderbird  or  Matlab  they will leave database on HDD and
>> entries in the registry?

> Yes, they all do except for the currently logged in user that triggers
> the uninstall.

Thank you for answer.

TB!   is  visible  in the in the uninstaller from a second user (admin
rights  as  well)  ;  there are TB! entries in the registry as well (I
didn't  compare them) but I think the main entry of RIT is not here
(user dependant).

The  values that looks responsible for not allowing a new installation
are under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER (assuming that).

So  it  should  be  possible to remove HDD database and RIT entry from
registry  for  a  currently  logged user and do not affect other users
(it's   probably   more  than  99% of situations). Need to think about

Best regards,

The Bat! 5.0.8
Windows7 Professional (x64) Polish (SP1)
OTFE Enabled ; so far only 3 POP3 accounts

The Bat! 5.0.10
Windows7 Ultimate (x64) English (SP1)
OTFE Enabled ; so far only 3 POP3 accounts

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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