Title: Re[2]:
Hi Vilius

Sunday, July 24, 2011, 9:27:21 AM, Tbbeta wrote:

> Sveiki,

> Saturday, July 23, 2011, 11:42:20 PM, you wrote:

>> [+] (#0008351) When The Bat! completes all IMAP tasks, it selects
>> INBOX and idles in this folder, to be able to receive notifications
>> about new messages before refreshing all the folders

> This  should  IDLE on the mailbox which is currently selected. Because
> mail  can arrive on ANY mailbox if server side filtering is configured
> for example.

I think this should be configurable. Most people running IMAP don't have server side filters running, so a global sync at startup and then monitor INBOX is what they need.

A few "power users" (a) have access to setup server side filtering and (b) have the knowledge to do it. For these people having the option to IDLE in the currently selected folder.

What do you think?

   __ _ Debian GNU User Simon Martin
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