Title: Re[2]:
Hi Dwight, Vilius, etc.

Sunday, July 24, 2011, 8:51:40 PM, Dwight wrote:

> On Sunday, July 24, 2011, 6:12:41 AM, Simon Martin wrote:
>> I think this should be configurable. Most people running IMAP don't
>> have server side filters running, so a global sync at startup and
>> then monitor INBOX is what they need.

>> A few "power users" (a) have access to setup server side filtering
>> and (b) have the knowledge to do it. For these people having the
>> option to IDLE in the currently selected folder.

>> What do you think?
> What  makes  you think most people running IMAP don't use server side 
> filters running. I can't imagine why anyone would NOT have it running.
> If  the  notion  that a) it's unusual to have access to set up server 
> side  filtering I'd be surprised. The notion that it somehow requires 
> "power  users"  to figure out how to use it seems far fetched. Server 
> side  filtering  at  fastmail  is  much  less  complicated than using 
> theBat's filters.

> That's what I think. 

I sit corrected.

   __ _ Debian GNU User Simon Martin
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