Hi Alto,

But when I close the browser, the cache is (if so configured) cleared. On
the next start, the cache is completely blank.

I can see real usability problems with this:

1.- The network traffic will increase tremendously. Every time you
enter a folder it will have to go and get the headers to be able to
show the list of mails. This will also make it slow.

2.- As no information is cached you will lose all rethreading,
colouring, etc, every time you enter a folder it will be a "new" folder.

3.- A good halfway house is just to download headers. This will give
you a small mail base, but you keep all the additional functionality.
The modification required here would be to dump the manually downloaded messages.


   __ _ Debian GNU User Simon Martin
  / /(_)_ __ _ ___ __  __ Project Manager
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / Milliways
/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <  mailto: smar...@milliways.cl
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Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes

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