> >> But when I close the browser, the cache is (if so configured) cleared. On
> >> the next start, the cache is completely blank.
> > As others pointed out. This doesn't make sence for email much.
> I think it indeed may:
> - On a computer that doesn't belong to me, and which is not under my
> permanent control (such as a work place machine), I don't wish to
> occupy unnecessary disk space, nor do I want to leave a cache-copy of
> mail there. If I no longer have access to that machine, I could change
> the access passwords to the account, and all the data still stored on
> the machine in question would become useless. If there is still a
> cache of mail there, this isn't the case. Encryption is a solution
> here, but the disk-space issue still persists. (Many companies have a
> no-foreign-bytes-on-company-machines policy, and the less you install,
> the better.)

Again, if you are viewing your email on the computer which doesn't belong to 
you, you cannot guarantee it isn't read in any case. Even if your email is 
encoded, some rogue program can "grab" or "record" every window you open. 
Including the window content.

As for simple protection, if you are using internet caffee computer and you 
insist using dekstop email application instead of email, just clear the cache 
when you leave. There is already such functionality in The Bat!
> - There is a technical use for that: If the client guaranties to store
> nothing locally, what I see is the current state on the server. If I
> see a folder, it is guaranteed to be at the server at this very
> moment. If I see it as empty, it really is empty. All this is not the
> case with TheBat at this time: TheBat stores and displays folders and
> messages that are no longer there all the time. Also, it occasionally
> does NOT display messages that ARE there, which may have a number of
> root causes - in most of which caching can be a factor, for which
> reason I'd like to take it out of the equation in certain situations.

This is guarantied by IMAP protocol (at least on normal not paranoid level :)). 
In fact this is the whole point of IMAP. If you are seeing incosistencies 
between your webmail account and your desktop email client, then your client or 
IMAP server is terribly broken. 


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