
> Hello everybody,

> on Freitag, 19. Juli 2019 at 16:10  Gleason <sombr...@mm.st> wrote
> re ...working on version 9 — will essential changes be implemented?
> (was: The Bat! v8.8.9 MSI (3rd attempt))


>>> this universally accepted quoting is what I don't want to loose.  
>>>   A quote is a QUOTE, not a table.

>> I guess I don't think it matters what it is called.

>   You speak like the people on this job interview which the great
> Argentinian cartoonist recorded in 9 images, each with a recruiter's
> question (marked ¿>) and an applicant's response (marked <), plus a tenth 
> image showing the result:

In this case, the important thing is that the system works, not what
it is called.  But ok, I will grant the distinction.  What about the
rest of my reply?

>   ¿> Name?
>   < March 19, 1924
>   ¿> Address?
>   < male
>   ¿> Place of birth?
>   < married
>   ¿> highest degree in education?
>   < 79, Main Street, 2nd floor
>   ¿> sex?
>   < High School
>   ¿> profession?
  >> Peter Fireman
>   ¿> marital status?
>   < three thousand six hundred and twentyfour
>   ¿> nationality?
>   < pertussis in the age of 4, measles at 7
>   ¿> Good. That's enough. You can start working tomorrow.
>   The 10th image shows the applicant sitting at a desk marked "Information".
>   You see, it doesn't matter what you say, it works.
>   You tell me "Pay the bill I sent you", and I will think "OK, he
> says that I should pay the bill, but as usual he means something
> completely different, probably that I should instead go out and walk my dog.
>   Why bother about language?
>   Why use ADD in programming an addition, when you can write
> SUBTRACT? Who cares, when Gleason does not care?
> Cheers,
> Lüko Willms
> Frankfurt am Main
> Germany

> using: TheBat! (BETA)
> OS: Windows 7    (NT 6.1 Build 7601 - Service Pack 1)
> CPU: AMD  amd athlon(tm) 64 x2 dual core processor 4200+
> MEM: 4097 MB  



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