> Hello Stefan,

>> The Bat! v9.4 MSI are now available:


> Up an running.

> When trying to install the .msi I got a warning about not being an app
> from  Microsoft  store.  I  had  to change my Windows 10 configuration
> settings  to  allow installing apps from "anywhere, but warn me before
> installing". I had never seen this with TB msis or any other app.

Turn off User Account Control?

MS wants to discourage use of software where the dev's haven't paid them for 
the privilege of running on their OS.  It looks to me like win11
is another step in that direction.
It is true though, that I install all kinds of stuff, and have not yet been 
warned that the app was not from MS store.


TheBat! 9.4 Pro (64bit, no OTFE) on Windows 10.0 19043 
'Using TBBETA' information:

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