Title: 9-4-2 with 9-3-4 table editor

Вы писали 10.07.21 г., 13:43:59:
> Hello George,

>>> Version 9.4.2 is available for testing -
>>> https://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/tb9.4.2-x64-full.7z

>> 1) Can I just change 9-3-4 exe to 9-4-2 and test some things? And then I will return to 9-3-4
>> Or 9-4-2 needs to be fully installed as 9-4 before?

> No, I deliberately didn't post exe-only archives because it won't work without new CEF binaries. Bear in mind, you'll need to backup (rename) your current CEF directory if you may need to roll back

Sad, I can't be now as a full tester, because my everyday task with copying price tables into emails is broken (color fillings isn't right and can't be edited after pasting). I can live without styles, but without formatted tables from excel/word - not.

>> 2) Are you test excel/word color tables pasting according my link? (color fillings isn't applied, see my mails "Re: v9.4 MSI tables from excel and word contains wrong filling and new filling can't be applied")

> The table seems to be too complicated for the current Web version of Excel and I don't have MS Office on my desktop. I opened it with Open Office Calc and I can set colors to rows and columns without a problem.

Can I ask you to return old table editor and copy/pasting core? Let it be in the settings as checkbox "use it old table editor"?

Best Regards, George Salnik
RitLabs Russian Forum Moderator
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