On 14 January 2002 at 04:51 Thomas wrote:

AS>> This is a tricky one to reproduce (for obvious reasons given in step
AS>> 1) ... but can anyone confirm it?

> Yes. I reported it in the Connection Center bugs mail about a week or
> two ago. Actually, it has been present ever since the ConCen made its
> debut.

Thank goodness it's a real bug :) (the beta-tester's cry) ...

AS>> 1. Send email (Ctrl-Enter), server isn't responding, press Abort,
AS>> message remains in Outbox as expected.

> You can press Abort or Delete Task while the message is being sent. It
> will have the same effect, only you have to be faster. ;-)


This sort-of-works - I find that, in this sort of situation, Abort and
Delete Task tend not to do anything. (Hardly surprising when TB! is
trying to work out what's going on!)

AS>> 2. Try Send Mail From All (Alt-Shift-F2); message in Outbox _isn't_
AS>> sent and remains stuck there.

> I suppose you get an error message "Nothing to send", right?


AS>> 3. To send it I have to double-click the message in the folder tree
AS>> and do Ctrl-Enter again.

> You can also close and reopen TB.

Indeed, that does the trick too.


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