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Hi ron,

On 12 February 2002 at 19:39:28 +0100 (which was 18:39 where I live)
Ron Hartman wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>>   That's the bracketing template :-)

MDP>> ,----- [ Working fine here ]
MDP>> | Hello Carsten.
MDP>> |
MDP>> | At 12:53 PM on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 you wrote the
MDP>> | following about [template problems in beta_39]
MDP>> `-----

It is done with a series of templates which I think Carsten
originated. (don't shoot me down if I got it wrong).

It will paste from the clipboard in the boxed quote format.

It is achieved with a series of Quick Templates as follows:

,----- [ bq ]
| ,----- [ %CURSOR ] %REM=_Copy clipboard into comment_%-
| %COMMENT="%WRAPPED='%clipboard'"%- %- %REM=_Does comment end with line
| break?_%- %REM=_If no: add line break_%- %IF:"%- %-
| %SETPATTREGEXP='(?is).*[\n]\z'%- %REGEXPMATCH='%COMMENT'"=""%- :%-
| "%COMMENT='%COMMENT '"%- %- %REM=_Call the bq2 template_%-
| %QINCLUDE="bq2"%- `-----

,----- [ bq2 ]
| %REM=_Does comment have two or more lines?_%- %REM=_If yes: print |
| and the first line_%- %REM=_        cut this line out of comment_%-
| %REM=_        and call this QT again_%- %REM=_If no:  print | and the
| last line and exit_%- %- %IF:"%- %-
| %SETPATTREGEXP='(?is).*?[\n](.*)'%- %REGEXPMATCH='%COMMENT'x"<>"x"%-
| :"%- %SETPATTREGEXP='(?is)(.*?)[\n]'%- | %REGEXPMATCH='%COMMENT' %-
| %COMMENT='%- %SETPATTREGEXP=""(?is).*?[\n](.*)""%-
| %REGEXPMATCH=_%COMMENT_'%- %QINCLUDE='bq2'"%- :%- "|

Here's an extra one for pulling in a file and box quoting the
contents (it uses bq2 above):

,----- [ bqf ]
| ,----- [ %clipboard ] %REM=_Insert file (name in clipboard) into _%-
| %REM=_comment._%- %REM=_Call QT_%- %- %COMMENT='%put="%clipboard" '%-
| %QINCLUDE="bq2"%- `-----

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - brain amplifier - at: http://www.brainstormsw.com  /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0     | www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/39-14F4B4B2 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)


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