Hi Ron,

RH> How do you do that ?? ;-)

please take a look at [1]. This describes how to use the Quick
Templates. You should not use the old source code posted in [1]. I
added the most recent version to this mail.

,----- [ very important! ]
| Never forget: the QT only work with TB! version _1.54 beta_. They
| crash on 1.53.

[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/tbtech@thebat.dutaint.com/msg01200.html

Best regards, Carsten

2.1 QT: bq
,----- [ %CURSOR ]
%REM=_Copy clipboard into comment_%-
%REM=_Does comment end with line break?_%-
%REM=_If no: add line break_%-
%REM=_Call the bq2 template_%-

QT: bq2
%REM=_Does comment have two or more lines?_%-
%REM=_If yes: print | and the first line_%-
%REM=_        cut this line out of comment_%-
%REM=_        and call this QT again_%-
%REM=_If no:  print | and the last line and exit_%-

QT: bqf
,----- [ %clipboard ]
%REM=_Insert file (name in clipboard) into _%-
%REM=_Call QT_%-

QT: nq
%REM=_Cut out part before '^-- $'_%-
%REM=_and insert it into comment_%-
%REM=_Call QT_%-
%SETPATTREGEXP='(?ism)[\n]*(.*?)[\n]*((-- [\n])|\z)'%-

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