On 23 February 2002 at 17:55 Dave wrote:

> Hi Stefano,

> Saturday, February 23, 2002, 5:34:16 PM, you wrote:

> Stefano Z.> Beautiful icons, skins etc, only bloat system !

> Ok, then let's keep TB! as a minority piece of software that has
> no real relevance to mass market needs. Bloating is a function of
> much more than skins and icons.

See previous, less certain, response by myself ;)

> Stefano Z.> The only needs is for a full and extended online help
> system...

> I think you're confusing your own needs for the preferences of
> the wider market; most people use Outlook Express because it's
> easy and nice to look at. Now, if TB! was easy to use and nice to
> look at AND did everything it can do at the moment, wouldn't many
> more people be prepared to buy it? If it did a few more geeky
> things that 99% of people don't need, would sales increase?
I suspect a lot of people use OE because it's there. Then some (by no
means all) become dissatisfied as their needs grow and look around;
when I started getting seriously into mailing lists OE began to come
up short.

(And, of course, the fact that OE and many other things are 'there'
automatically discriminates against TB! and many other packages.
Either that or all these lawyers and judges are wasting their time ;)


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