On 23 February 2002 at 18:10 L wrote:

> Hello Nick,

> den 23 februari 2002, 19:04, you wrote:

> NA> Absolute Nonsense! TB is in 'dire' need of a facelift. How does a new
> NA> set of icons equate to bloat? How about customisable Toolbars? Would you
> NA> consider that bloat... or added functionality? Certainly the Help Files
> NA> need to be addressed, but don't discount a GUI facelift 'and' some new
> NA> icons... TB is very much indeed of those two items.

> NA> Re-read the initial message in this thread... It is true, and RITLabs
> NA> should be paying attention... These are paying Customer that are talking.

> This is still something that should be directed to the developers and
> not this list. I just can't see what this has to do with testing the
> latest beta.

The developers read this list :)

Anyway, voices raised somewhat-off-topically are sometimes required
... especially when the issues raised crystallise what I've been
thinking about - inconclusively - for some time and encourage thoughts
to be put down on 'paper'.


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