Greetings Tony,

Thursday, June 27, 2002, 2:37:26 AM, you wrote:

->|> I already do that with a Bat filter anyway. I have filters set up to
->|> check text files for specific headers that TB downloads and if they match
->|> the message gets deleted before it's downloaded.  It's pretty easy to do.

I'm glad you and Marck told me this.  I played with filtering for
awhile not long ago, and couldn't quite figure out how to do this.
Is it working via Mail Dispatcher?

->|> However because TB downloads just the headers and then checks each one
->|> against a list of know spam or porn originators it does slow the mail
->|> session down quite considerably.

I can live with the performance issue if can kill a lot of the SPAM
and jokes on the server, or at least leave them so I can browse them
with the WebMail Interface...

->|> If you want my text files and the filters to match your welcome to them.
Thanks Tony, lemme try and see if I can figure it out (I'll learn more
that way) first, and if I bump my head against the rock too many
times, I'll get back with you on this one!

Best regards,
Forget Outlook Express, I use The Bat! 1.60c
On an Abit KT7-RAID with a Thunderbird 900, and 512Megs of RAM.
Burdened by: Windows XP Home (V 5.1.2600)

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