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On Sun 27-Jul-03 12:12am -0400, Stefan Tanurkov wrote:

JA>> It seems to me that RITLabs has just saved themselves a world of pain
JA>> for now.

> You've just saved me from a lot of typing. Thank you! ;-)

> That was exactly what I was going to say.

> Just a little addition: providing an easy way to forge
> X-Mailer/Received headers would immediately classify The Bat! as
> spamware.

This just sounds like paranoia.

As far is received mail is concerned, once it hits my computer, it's
mine to do what I please.  The Bat! already allows any user to
manually change whatever the user want's changed.

For sending mail, there are more than enough net tools available to
spammers the provide far more power than the typical user clients like
The Bat!.  Restricting the ability to change the X-Mailer field is a
nanny feature we don't need - I prefer to customize mine and their are
already tools (like X-Ray) to perform simple changes like this.

However, there are legitimate reasons to change both incoming and
outgoing email - which The Bat!'s silly nanny obsession prevents.
Here's an example of a pre-Inbox and pre-Outbox filter that SHOULD be
available to a user:

Pre-Inbox Example - Most mailing lists are used by people that use
email clients that don't support threading.  Threading by subject is
less useful when incoming mail can't be "cleansed" of such
abominations as "Re: [list-name] Re: ....".

Pre-Outbox Example - If the first name in the To: field contains a
family member, a child or a grandchild, I modify my From field and
signature to Bill, Dad or Grandpa.  When I have other addresses in the
To: field, I manually change things.  A pre-Outbox filter could check
for mixed addresses (family and friends) and "park" them instead of
sending them.  That avoids accidentally sending an email to my son and
a friend that ends with "Love, Dad."

- --
Best regards,

The Bat! 1.63 Beta/11 is now 44 days old.
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (MingW32)
Comment: Bill McCarthy's GPG Signature


 Current beta is 1.63b11 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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