Hallo Allie,

Op een Wednesday, July 30, 2003 om 12:53:08 PM schreef jij over "Configuration panels 
locking the inteface":

AM> Hi all,

AM> I'm hoping that one of these days, opening a configuration panel will no
AM> longer lock out the rest of the TB! interface from user input. I've
AM> found this to be a surprising shortcoming in an application that's
AM> supposed to be so well multi-threaded. How many of you often wish to
AM> have a configuration panel open while doing something else?

AM> Wouldn't it be nice to be able to have the editor opened for two quick
AM> templates or two filter sets? It would make copying and pasting as well
AM> as comparing etc. much easier.

AM> Another common reason is during support situations. You wish to write
AM> exactly what a configuration panel option is labelled as saying.

 Very good points!
 I second the motion. ;)

 -=/ Rubeo /=-
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