
Sorry for returning to an old thread but I have begun using the "new"
macro-templates no and I am having a problem with your suggestion to me.

What I want is a "box quote" macro that "force wraps" all test to make
it one long (wrapped) line.


"kh nf sdfs dflkjhsd lkjhflkjsfhgkljdfh lkjfh glsdjklfhg lkdjfhl k

On 12-06-2003 09:33, you [J] wrote in
C>>> Of course you could easily combine boxquoting with wrapping (the QT
C>>> Januk posted earlier on this list),

PF>> That's the thing, _I_ cannot! :))

J> Sure *you* can.  Remember that my wrapping QT now looks like:

J> =====[Begin wrap]=====
J> %IF:'%_FirstTime'='':'%-
J> %___%_Wrap_Text(%Clipboard)%-
J> %___%_FirstTime="No"'%-
J> %-
J> %IF:'%-
J> %SETPATTREGEXP="(?is-m)[^\n]+"%-
J> %REGEXPMATCH(%_Wrap_Text)'<>'':'%-
J> %-
J> %SETPATTREGEXP="(?is-m)^(.*?)((\n((\w{0,5}(\>\s*)+)?\s*\n)+)(.*)\s*$|\z)"%-
J> %-
J> %_Paragraph_1(%Subpatt(1))%-
J> %_Blank_Space(%Subpatt(3))%-
J> %_Remainder_Of_Text(%Subpatt(7))%-
J> %-
J> %WRAPPED(%_Paragraph_1)

J> %_Wrap_Text(%_Remainder_of_Text)%-
J> %-
J> %QINCLUDE(wrap_new)'%-
J> =====[ End  wrap]=====

J> And that Carsten's unaltered boxquoting template looks like:

J> =====[Begin bq]=====
J> %REM=' bq - Paste as Boxquote
J>             written by Carsten Thoenges, December 2002
J>             June 2003 - use new features of v1.63 beta 9
J> '%-
J> %_TopAndTail="-----"%-
J> %_TopCorner=","%-
J> %_BottomCorner="`"%-
J> %_Side="| "%-
J> %_TitleFormat=" [ %CURSOR ]"%-
J> %-
J> %If:+%_FirstTime+=++:+%-
J> %___%_FirstTime="No"%-
J> %___%_TopCorner%_TopAndTail%_TitleFormat
J> %___%_Text="%Clipboard"%-
J> %___%SetPattRegExp='(?is)(\n)\z'%-
J> %___%If:"%RegExpMatch(%_Text)"="":"%_Text='%_Text
J> '"%-
J> %___%QInclude(bq)
J> %___%_BottomCorner%_TopAndTail%-
J> +:+%-
J> %___%SetPattRegExp='(?is)\A(.*?)\n(.*\n)\z'%-
J> %___%RegExpBlindMatch(%_Text)%-
J> %___%If:"%Subpatt(2)"<>"":"%-
J> %______%_Side%SubPatt(1)%-
J> %______%_Text='%Subpatt(2)'
J> %______%QInclude(bq)%-
J> %___":"%-
J> %______%_Side%_Text%-
J> %______%_FirstTime=''"%-
J> =====[ End  bq]=====

J> Now in Carsten's QT, just replace %CLIPBOARD with %QInclude(wrap) and
J> you're done.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>   
<thebat version> 2.0 RC1 </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1</os>

 Current beta is 2.0b6 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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