
On 04-09-2003 01:40, you [J] wrote in
J> So removing that blank line is intentional, right?


J> Then in your main template, you'd just use: %QINCLUDE="bq"

I just want to use it as a QT for pasting stuff in other mails.

J> Note the bq template as written above is not tested, but it should
J> work.

Hmm, it doesn't here.

BQA [Block Quote All] (I have renamed it) of the 3 last paragraphs in
your mail:

,----- [  ]
 | Then in your main template, you'd just use: %QINCLUDE="bq" That will
,----- [  ]
| Then in your main template, you'd just use:
| %QINCLUDE="bq"
| That will take all text in the clipboard, force wrap it into one
| paragraph and then put it into boxquotes.  If you want to have
| something other than clipboard contents, it is an easy modification in
| Carsten's template.  Just change the %Clipboard macro in the bq
| template to whatever you want.
| Note the bq template as written above is not tested, but it should
| work.

,----- [ BQA ]
| %REM=' bq - Paste as Boxquote
|             written by Carsten Thoenges, December 2002
|             June 2003 - use new features of v1.63 beta 9
|             Last modified: 2003-06-13
| '%-
| %_bqTopAndTail="-----"%-
| %_bqTopCorner=","%-
| %_bqBottomCorner="`"%-
| %_bqSide="| "%-
| %_bqTitleFormat=" [ %CURSOR ]"%-
| %-
| %If:+%_bqFirstTime+=++:+%-
| %___%_bqFirstTime="No"%-
| %___%_bqTopCorner%_bqTopAndTail%_bqTitleFormat
| %-
| %___%_bqText="%-
| %______%Wrapped='%-
| %_________%_Strip_Text(''%ClipBoard'')%-
| %_________%QInclude(''Strip'')%-
| %______'%-
| %___"%-
| %-
| %___%SetPattRegExp='(?is)(\n)\z'%-
|  %___%If:"%RegExpMatch(%_bqText)"="":"%_bqText='%_bqText
| '"+%-
| %SetPattRegExp='(?is)\A(.*?)\n(.*\n)\z'%-
| %RegExpBlindMatch(%_bqText)%-
| %If:"%Subpatt(2)"<>"":"%-
| %___%_bqSide%SubPatt(1)%-
| %___%_bqText='%Subpatt(2)'
| %___%QInclude(bq)%-
| ":"%-
| %___%_bqSide%_bqText%-
| %___%_bqBottomCorner%_bqTopAndTail%-
| %___%_bqFirstTime=''"%-

,----- [ Strip ]
| %REM='
|        Blank line stripping routine using features from TB 1.63b11
|        Written August 2003 by Januk Aggarwal
|        Notes:
|           1. This template can be used alone to modify clipboard
|              contents or can be used as an engine by assigning text to
|              the variable, %_Strip_Text, in the driver template.
| '%-
| %-
| %IF:'%_Strip_FirstTime'='':'%-
| %___%IF:"%_Strip_Text"="":"%_Strip_Text(%Clipboard)"%-
| %___%_Strip_FirstTime="No"'%-
| %-
| %IF:'%_Strip_Text'<>'':'%-
| %-
| %SetPattRegexp="(?is-m)^(.*?)(\n(.*)|)\z"%-
| %RegexpBlindMatch(%_Strip_Text)%-
| %-
| %_Strip_Line_1(%Subpatt(1))%-
| %_Strip_Remainder_Of_Text(%Subpatt(3))%-
| %-
| %If:"%-
| %____%SetPattRegexp=!^\s*$!%-
| %____%RegexpMatch=!%_Strip_Line_1 !"="":"%-
| %____%_Strip_Line_1
| "%-
| %-
| %_Strip_Text(%_Strip_Remainder_of_Text)%-
| %-
| %QInclude("Strip")'%-

Any idea what might be wrong?

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>   
<thebat version> 2.00 </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1</os>

 Current beta is 2.00 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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