On Wednesday, December 10, 2003, Gary wrote...

>> That is a weird bug in Mulberry... you might want to drop them a
>> note on that one. I've not used Mulberry myself, I have Evolution,
>> pine, pegasus, TheBat, and SquirrelMail... so I normally have a
>> pretty good selection for testing.

> Mulberry does not have this bug. TB does <g> You can have a standard
> display, or have "containers" for just your Favorite mailboxes/dirs, or
> just subscribed dirs, or any other name you want for a container...

Ahhh virtual folders... Understood... I've seen other clients that
feature things like that too.

> With TB, you have to be subscribed to see a dir/mailbox. Not so with
> Mulberry..

That doesn't necessarily make it a bug, that just makes it a different
way of handling unsubscribed folders.

>> This looks like an unusual bug, as the subfolders should appear
>> under the real INBOX, not a container, as the folder really
>> exists...

> It does... a container is just a convenience feature.. Would be
> happy to send you a screen shot.

It's okay, I know exactly what it is now ;) Evolution has something
similar to it.

>> however because it's unsub'd, Mulberry might be having issues with
>> it. Is the "container" selectable?

> The issue is with TB, not being able to look at a folder unless it is
> subscribed.

This technically isn't a bug though, as there are no specifications in
the RFC that says a client MUST be able to display an unsubscribed
folder. That's just an enhancement in the client. An interesting one,
that's for sure. Not used it much in Evolution. I tried to create one
that emulated the virtual ticker in TB, but it killed my PC trying to
read all the folders ;)

Jonathan Angliss

Aim Low, Reach Your Goals, Avoid Disappointment

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