Hello MAU,

Tuesday, February 24, 2004, 5:52:25 PM, you wrote:

M> I am sure we all more or less often repeat certain certain searches for
M> messages in several (or all) folders, like find all messages in a Colour
M> Group, From/To someone, with certain keywords in subject, etc., etc.

Did you look at "Edit|Use previous conditions" menu of the Finder?
Beer? ;-)

M> What if we could define a special kind of Global Folders, let's call
M> them Virtual Folders, that their Properties had only the General and
M> Memo tabs PLUS the Options and Advances tabs of Message Finder? We could
M> then run a search and see the results on the main window with messages
M> listed on the list pane and viewed in the preview pane. Ideal for me!

It's already in works now. Sounds like you have a hidden camera in our
office or something like that ;-)


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