Hello Patrick,

>>> but mixing incoming and outgoing mail into one folder seems so..
>>> unnatural.. have to think about this..
M>> I see it most natural to follow a "conversation" (thread), just like for
M>> this mail list.
> mh.. gimme a second.. i need to adjust my brain.. it thought
> otherwise the last 10 years.. ;)

It is never late to rectify and get on the right track ;-)

Before moving to TB 2-3 years ago I used for some 8 years another
program called Virtual Access and it had very good threading, for CIS
and CIX forums, newsgroups and e-mail. That may be another reason why I
find threading natural.

M> Basically you can copy Incoming ones to Outgoing and, in Location, just changing
M> recipient <-> sender. TB is smart enough to chan Inbox to Outbox.
that i didn't get.. could you explain a bit?

OK, assume you have an Incoming filter called MAU to sort incoming
messages from me (MAU) to you (Patrick) to a folder named "Crap". Your
filter would like:

Source folder: Inbox
Move message to folder: Crap

Strings        Location    Presence
MAU            Sender      Yes
Patrick Erler  Recipient   Yes

I have used MAU and Patric Erler instead our e-mail addresses.

Now, if you want to create the corresponding Outgoing filter, select the
MAU filter under Incoming and copy it, with Ctrl+C (or right click and
select Copy from menu) to copy the filter to the clipboard. DO NOT use
the Copy button below New and to the right of Remove ones. The Copy
button makes a copy of the selected filter but still under Incoming.

Now, select Outgoing mail and Paste (Ctrl+V or from the context menu)
and the copied filter will appear under incoming, with the same name MAU
and looking like this:

Source folder: Outbox
Move message to folder: Crap

Strings        Location    Presence
MAU            Sender      Yes
Patrick Erler  Recipient   Yes

As you can see, Inbox has been changed by TB to Outbox :) And then all
you need to do, under Location, is to change Sender to Recipient and
Recipient to Sender. The filter will now look like:

Strings        Location    Presence
MAU            Recipient   Yes
Patrick Erler  Sender      Yes

M>> It would be the same thing I'm telling you, you still have to set up
M>> filters for each of your contacts, except you save the copy/paste
M>> "effort".
> nope, i wouldn't.. look at M2..

Yes, you may be right. I believe I read somewhere (maybe from you) that
M2 automatically creates the VF for each contact in the AB. This still
doesn't solve all _my_ needs because, although I use many folders, most
of them are not for a single person but for a company or group.

M>> IM>  see VFs useful for a bit more complex conditions. Aside of
M>> that, I much prefer to keep messages in separate folders. For easier
M>> and faster backups, same for purge and compress, for archiving, etc.
> ok, but this is a rather special preference of you i think.. ;)

Yes, of course.

> i'm afraid you can't have both worlds - the database speed of
> virtual folders and the easy backup of using the filesystem for
> storage.. or could it be possible to create a database with just
> the headers in it for the virtualisiation tasks and with
> references to the messagefiles?

I don't know. In any case, we will have to use (I will) whatever Stefan
and the rest of the team decide to implement :)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
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