Hello Stefan,

Tuesday, February 24, 2004, 10:53:27 AM, Stefan Tanurkov wrote:

M>> I am sure we all more or less often repeat certain certain searches for
M>> messages in several (or all) folders, like find all messages in a Colour
M>> Group, From/To someone, with certain keywords in subject, etc., etc.

ST> Did you look at "Edit|Use previous conditions" menu of the Finder?
ST> Beer? ;-)

This is a *history* of searches which is only the last 9 searches.

M>> What if we could define a special kind of Global Folders, let's call
M>> them Virtual Folders, that their Properties had only the General and
M>> Memo tabs PLUS the Options and Advances tabs of Message Finder? We could
M>> then run a search and see the results on the main window with messages
M>> listed on the list pane and viewed in the preview pane. Ideal for me!

ST> It's already in works now. Sounds like you have a hidden camera in our
ST> office or something like that ;-)

Will the capability to *save* a search be included?

To me the ability to *save* a search is different than having *history*
of last 9 searches especially when you use your message base as a
resource of information. Sometimes you can't find what your looking for
immediately and you need numerous searches. In this situation the
history does not really help much except document what did NOT work
rather than what did work.

Best Regards,
Greg Strong   

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