On Friday, August 13, 2004, at 5:36:59 PM, time seemed to stop as 9Val
uttered these words:

M>> broken, and describing various attempts to get around the bug. Okay,
M>> so colour groups are broken, so they are, use the last stable release
M>> for your work, and wait with the betas until it's fixed to test it
M>> some more!

> And how it could be done without sending to beta list and/or bugtrack?

Of course it couldn't - but that's not the point.

The point is that, the longer I watch this and other betas' progress,
the more I see how immature (in the terms of programming, not
psychology!) TheBat! development is. And I get pissed off - at that
fact, at all of you more experienced testers/programmers than me, and
at myself for not noticing it sooner :)

1. There's only you, 9Val, who communicates in here - and you almost
"save the day", but it still is too rarely. I don't mean it as an
attack on you - just a statement of fact: sometimes nobody from RIT
speaks for almost a week or so, right after releasing a new bug-loaded
beta... This, for a mature project, is unacceptable...

2. The bug-hunting is not coordinated in any way. Even a bug that is
found, identified, and confirmed by multiple testers, sometimes simply
gets ignored, or the discussion about it changes topic, and everyone
forgets about it.

3. Our suggestions are often completely ignored. Okay, this one IS
sort of personal - but personal to me, not to you :). Many times, when
discussing this or that feature, I posted complete solutions to the
problems found - algorithms, syntaxes, schematics. I tend to have a
highly analytical mind, allowing me to plan things quite well - yet
none, NONE, of my bigger suggestions was ever introduced, even though
I even offered to provide ready-to-use Delphi code. Your recent
addition of the /REG command surprised me a lot, positively - but it's
just one gem in a whole bag of trash, proverbially speaking.

Ranting again, am I not. :)

> You are too emotional today ;)

I tend to be. Sue me :) :P

 |\  /|      \~~~/     \~~~/
 | \/ |  /\   > <  \~/  > <    ICQ# 3146019
 |____| /__\ /___\ /_\ /___\    IQ# 3.14159

Flyin' high with The Bat! v2.10 RC/1
over the swamps of Windows 2000 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4

 Current beta is 2.13 'Lucky' Beta/4 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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