Hello MaXxX!

On Friday, August 13, 2004 at 6:54:01 PM you wrote:

> It strikes me as odd

Much odder [to mis-use English a bit] I find the metadiscussions that
pop up very often lately. Looks a bit like some of us have too much
time on their hands.

I can understand your frustration [yes, I plagiarize, particularly
from my own], but do we have to discuss RITLab's way of doing it over
and over again in shorter and shorter intervals?

Whenever I feel I don't get farther I try to find another way, even if
it means to leave from the point where I am [this is meant to be
interpreted literally *and* metaphorically].

Could it be the latest addition of 9Val and his contributions on
RITLab's PoV did actually what I always feared: opening Pandora's Box?
Now we know RITLab's is more responsive we start to ask more and more
from them?

Just a few thoughts ...

Dierk Haasis
:Dierk: Copy 'n' Concept

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