Hello Arjan!

On Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 1:29 PM, you wrote:

ADJ>>>It's these people you should say "thank you" to (IMNSHO
ADJ>>>of course).

MB>>So, I'm waiting for your thank-you to me. So far, all I
MB>>have received is an on-line scolding. :)

AdG> Are you a Beta Tester then? Sorry, I haven't noticed before.

Did you mean that sarcastically? I am very sensitive about it, since
I've only been doing it since v. 3.0. That was only because someone on
tbudl challenged me to come on here and help test filters.

I really didn't think that I had the computer skills to be able to
contribute, among the really able people on a list where I'd been
lurking for awhile.

But, I did manage to locate one bug which no one else had spotted. And
it was promptly fixed.

I want this company to succeed. They have the best e-mail program I
have ever used, and that includes Outlook Express, Eudora, Pegasus,
Becky, Opera Mail, and several website accounts, since I first got
Internet capability in 1998.

So I will do all I can to help. If that makes me a foolish person who
is wasting her time and resources, I don't care. The time is mine and
the resources also, and, additionally I am having a really good
time--I mean a LOT of fun--helping to solve these puzzles.

AdG> At this moment I believe there is nobody I should say "thank you"
AdG> to. As the User-Agent headers of my TBList contributions state,
AdG> I'm still camping on the relatively save grounds of version 2.xx.

Well, of course until the Moderators throw you out, you are welcome to
lurk and to post here.

But please, when you write, please address me in tones of ordinary
good manners.

I enjoy the cordial relationship I seem to have with the RitLabs
programmers here, and I shall go on praising and thanking them
whenever I feel like it.

Additionally, I offer my thanks to all my fellow beta-testers. I have
already thanked Charlene Ferrara by name, individually, and offered
her a :star: . Which she seemed to like and accepted, to my great

AdG> And as far as I'm concerned, that's where I intend on staying for
AdG> the foreseeable future.

I shall be interested to notice whether you ever change your mind. :)

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is RC/10 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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