On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 23:48:40 +0300, Stefan Tanurkov wrote:

> The 3.0.1 Beta cycle is now closed and we are heading towards the
> traditional Christmas release. Here is a short list of things being
> addressed:

Stefan, this was the first good beta cycle in a long time. It felt
like we were working toward a common goal, and I think we achieved all
of our main objectives. I hope this cooperative and mutually
respectful - RL and beta testers - relationship will continue as it
can only lead to a better product for all of us.

I like the list of targets for the next beta cycle. Please see just a
few comments below...

>  - Improved Windows-compatible editor (proper wrapping, more
>    functionality from MicroEd plus UNICODE support)

I hope you will find a better way to handle actions on strings of
words like changing case.

>  - Adding message base encryption to the Professional Edition

Without this, it seems like there is no significant differentiator
between the professional and the home edition. As a security measure,
I would also like to see some more effective encryption of passwords.
I find it disturbing that a small utility like "The Bat! UnPass" can
expose all of my current passwords on TB.

>  - Improved Help system

Yes, please.

> This is not a promise, this is our working list. Our team is in good
> shape now and there is nothing impossible in this list (excluding help
> - I really do not have any idea how long would it take and we are
> still looking for writer).

Stefan, if you would publish a better job offer, then you would surely
succeed in finding a good writer very quickly. There are many
qualified people looking for work these days, but - as I mentioned
before - your advertisement was not very attractive.

One of the expectations I have for the next beta cycle is a
substantially improved help file. Assuming that the next beta cycle
runs for at least a month, this is not an unreasonable expectation.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and TB Pro

 Current beta is RC/10 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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