On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 10:20:02 +0200, Dierk Haasis wrote:

> > One of the expectations I have for the next beta cycle is a
> > substantially improved help file. Assuming that the next beta cycle
> > runs for at least a month, this is not an unreasonable expectation.
> I am not convinced that four weeks will be enough to add a sufficient
> help file. "Substantially improved", considering the current state of
> the help file, would already be achieved by a list of changes since
> v1.38 [cum grano salis].

Dierk, if I might add a pinch of pepper, I don't think that a mere
list of changes would meet the "substantially improved" standard that
I have in mind. However, in principle, I do agree with you that even
if RL already had a first-class, full-time technical writer on the
payroll, it is unlikely that an adequate or sufficient help file would
be completed within four weeks. It is very likely that there will
still be a number of gaps in the documentation, perhaps marked with
TBDs. That is exactly why I set my expectations to a more realistic
"substantially improved".

> You are quite right that, IMAP not withstanding*, the documentation is
> the biggest "bug" for the time being.

Well, as I said to Mary, I don't see this as a bug. It falls more
under the classification of a missing essential feature. But let's see
what happens. Dierk, why don't you apply for the job? If you get it,
then maybe I can stop complaining... or at least know whose work I am
criticizing. :-)

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and TB Pro

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