Hello Paul!

On Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 10:45:14 PM you wrote:

> well, maybe so, but my one huge Mail ticker bug is still there,

> yes, it is still there with .

Unfortunately I have to confirm, although I find it more annoying than
stopping (me from using TB). As long as it is only a handful of us
experiencing this bug RL will have a hard time getting to it.

BTW, once in between (during the MSI testing over the last few days)
one version lost my MT setting for which messages should be shown. I
did have Normal, Low and High Priority set to show, had to re-enable
High and Low one or two weeks back (the infamous "lost messages"
non-bug) and lost the setting again.

I don' remember which two versions exactly lost those but we should
have an eye on that setting in the future - there seems to be an
intermittent bug.

Dierk Haasis
:Dierk: Copy 'n' Concept

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