"Dierk Haasis" wrotes on 15/10/2004 at 04:54:31 +1100 
subject "PGP bug revisited" :

>   Quick rehash: CKT builds are usable with TB via plug-in;

there are different versions of this batpgp65.dll file. The one I used
without any problem of this kind has this checksum: 83B94A66

There is an other newer one with 0C4F3E96 checksum, but it had make some
problems on my machine (do not remember what...)

witch checksum one do you use?

I use PGP-8.1 with internal support now. Feel free to send some test mails
do me, if you want so. My key is available on servers.

Hendrik Oesterlin - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ 215599852 - MSN [EMAIL PROTECTED] - YIM moimeme666fr - AIM moimeme666fr
TheBat! and  BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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