Hello Ron!

On Friday, October 15, 2004, 12:03 PM, you wrote:

MB>> I haven't reproduced mine yet.

Did reproduce it just now.

The Bat! was minimized to taskbar. I did a right-click context menu
close and, assuming closure, went immediately to temp files to
install my latest PCWSmileys zip into The Bat!/Images.

Looked up to re-launch with the Desktop icon and my eye fell on TB!
minimized to taskbar, still.

Tried to restore. Didn't move. Wouldn't close, either. Brought up Task
Manager and killed The Bat!

It launched just fine, all well, and I checked mail and downloaded
this message from you.

This is my second time for The Bat! to refuse to close in this beta.

RS> As I stated previously, I cannot reproduce it at will, but it is
RS> happening here quite frequently.

MB>> Think it could be OS-interaction related?

RS> Not sure about that Mary, possible I guess. The only two machines that
RS> I have TB running on are running XP SP2.

So, a clue. Needs to be pursued.

RS> I think so far in this thread the only one other person that has had a
RS> similar problem is Chris Weaven
RS> <msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and he is also running
RS> XP SP2, so maybe you're onto something...

Let's keep watch. I'm not ready to report to BT yet, are you? Since it
shows only randomly?

Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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