Mark Partous wrote:

> Thanks for these instructions. I don't think I'm gonna try this out,
> though.
> I find this a very awkward way of enabling this OTFE (I'm not
> referring to your instructions, but to the way RitLabs wants us to
> enable this).
> Do they intend to keep it this way, or is this only a temporary
> solution?

Good question. I don't know. I hope this isn't the case. There needs to
be a routine for easy conversion, at least, from plain to encrypted.

> And what happens with a Network setup that shares one messagebase? I
> suppose your instructions apply to both (or more) setups?

Another good question. I do think though that for now, the encryption is
for single installations only, in that the encrypted bases are
accessible by only one installation.

  Allie Martin

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