On Friday, December 24, 2004, at 4:28:47 PM, Martin Schneider wrote
the following words:

> What is more heavy that when I open your address book that these
> entries automatically are added to my personal address book. That I
> noticed yesterday when sending out christmas greetings and finding
> some names that I don't know. I was comparing with your address book -
> and bingo - they were automaitically imported.

> Can someone reproduce that?

Yes. The entries are now found in my Netcenter Member Directory
address book.

I smell a strong odour of Outlook...

.    ^,".sinPi,     ICQ 3.146019
  `_'|    `_'
Random church bulletin blooper: Wednesday the Ladies' Liturgy Group
will meet. Mrs Johnson will sing, "Put Me in My Little Bed"
accompanied by the Pastor.

Flyin' high with The Bat! v3.0.1.33
over the swamps of Windows 2000 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4

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