Hello Alexander,

On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ASK> You mean you're playing internet radio streams? With a built-in analogue
ASK> modem? r-r-r-really?

Yup, occasional drop outs but it works most of the time. Should have
added that the same problem occurs when I listen to a programme that has
been pre recorded (not by me but, in this case the BBC) and I listen to

ASK> The only thing that comes to my mind is that maybe WinAmp (if
ASK> you're using it)

No, either media player or Real Player - no comments thanks ;-)

ASK> You can do *anything* else thats internet related (for example, use
ASK> a browser) normally?

Yup, it's just radio that screws it up. Just have to live with it as
there are only two programmes that I avidly listen to and they are on
twice a week for half an hour each. Must be my setup.


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