Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 7:11:05 AM, you wrote:

EJM>> Time lines are important.

> Sorry but that's rubbish in this case. It doesn't make a penny worth of
> difference whether they bring out the beta tomorrow or this time next
> week. I'm sure they're trying to get the best possible programme out to
> the testers or else we'll have a rehash of all the moaners coming out of
> the woodwork yet again for another week or two.

I believe you have missed my point.  As I indicated, time lines are
important to me.  You asked why I keep asking, I gave you a very up
front and clear answer.

EJM>> My question was a simple inquiry to find out where we are at right
EJM>> now.

> And my answer was just as simple. Be patient and wait for a, hopefully,
> fairly bug free beta which will be released when they are ready to
> release it. If they promised to release it, say, tomorrow and it came
> out full of bugs, you'd be up in arms saying "Why release a buggy
> version?" They are trying to avoid that, it seems to me, and yet people
> still complain. They can't win and I pity them because they have given
> us a quite wonderful, IMHO, product that does 95% of what people want
> 95% of the time, or am I just easily satisfied?

I simply don't agree.  The be patient and wait routine does not work
for daily business.  Without time frames, things simply don't get
done.  In this case, I did not ask them to complete something for
today or tomorrow.  I simply asked for a time frame.

It is a very reasonable request and provided in the spirit of a simple

Again, the best person to answer this question is Max and he will do
so when he can.

What I do find frustrating is every time one asks a simple question of
this list, it simply goes over the top.

Maybe a lesson is the making for me.


Ethan J. Mings
Principal, The Desk

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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