Guten Tag Alexander,

am Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2005 um 12:30 schrieben Sie:

> Doesn't concern me at all. I'm a private home user. Why would I need IMAP?
> And for the average Joe User, I bet that he'll be a POP3 user just as well.
> And TB is a superb POP3 client.

Oh. Ok. RITlabs announces IMAP and advertises it as a built-in feature
since v2. It never worked as it should, but because /you/ don't need
it, it just doesn't matter. Right?

Btw: the avarage "Joe User" used, uses and will use clients like Outlook
Express, Thunderbird and Pegasus.
Why? Because he hasn't to pay for them and he has no use of the full
featured items like special filtersystems and so on - but HTML-editors
for the nice colored christmas-card for his colleagues.
Oh. Wait... i remember.  That's one of the things, that TheBat!
doesn't handle in a useable way either... damn ;-)

TheBat! focuses on (semi)professionall users with it features,
look&feel, etc. - not on John Doe homeusers who want to send funpics
all two to three days.

> Oh come on PLEASE... you're sounding as if the program would crash every
> other minute, and thats not true.

Use IMAP and AVs as well as exceptions are your dialy business.

But I know. You don't need it so it doesn't count :-)

And PS:
TB! already was a "superb pop3-Client" in v1 which you now get for free
on many magazine-CDs. You need neither v2 nor v3 therefor.
Reasons for v2 (an v3 again - you remember?) were NFS and IMAP. NFS
seems to work now. IMAP got (much) better but still needs a lot of
fixing and improving.

Wer sein Herz verschenkt, darf sich nicht wundern,
wenn er Kreislaufbeschwerden bekommt.

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