Hi Alexander,

Le mercredi 16 février 2005 à 18:21:20, vous écriviez :

ASK> Hello Claude Renaud & everyone else,

ASK> on 14-Feb-2005 at 21:31 you (Claude Renaud) wrote:

ASK> <nothing>

ASK> Why is this message arriving again and again? Or is it only me?

   Sorry, it is not my fault.
I noticed this too, but I did not send messages since two days.
So, there is a problem somewhere, but here ?

The original message was not blank.
Here it is, so please tell me what do you think of :


        If my memory serves me well, the following feature is something
which awaited from users since versions now.
So if you want it please vote for it :
what about adding the ability of choosing ldap adress books in the
options/preferences/system/autocomplete adress from... All adress
books !!!
                                         ... 1 point for me !!!!

And a new one, I read on one of the the bat! lists, that some of you
used, or would like to use, the bat! on a usb key, so what about
adding an option in the options/preferences dialog to give the
possibility to the user to store its preferences in a  local .ini file
One time again, 1 point for me, please vote for it too !!!



Claude Renaud


Claude Renaud 

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