On 2/25/2005 Mark Partous wrote:

MP> Content : one company logo and a table of values, 2 pages in total.
MP> Size    : 912 kb.

MP> After reformating by me : 54 kb. with a minimal loss of quality (if one 
MP> carefully, it can be seen in the logo).

2/25/2005  9:14 AM

Hi Mark,

HTML messages will not heal this major ignorance. It is a similar
problem to someone using a 1600x1200 picture in a small part of a
letter. I try to educate these people. Some are willing, some not.
Just this week I received a one page letter with a small picture
created in M$ word that was 2.29 mb! I reformatted it in OpenOffice
and it was only 66k. Even though this person was in a foreign country
I had them download Irfanview and then called last night to explain
how to resize and enhance the picture. As long as software developers
and camera makers insist on defaulting to total bloat this problem
will exist. At least with a large attachment I can choose to download
it. With HTML messages I have no choice if I need to know the content
and I make myself vulnerable in the process.

Take Care,

The Bat! v. on Win2k SP4 

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