Hello Ethan,

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

EJM> I must confess, however, I'm worried. I am waiting for the latest
EJM> release of the new beta to really understand where the changes in
EJM> development, reduction in bugs and stability of the product are
EJM> going.

EJM> I realize a "deep alpha" was released earlier this week.  However, I
EJM> want to wait until the BETA comes out to better understand the
EJM> changes.

Well, I've been persisiting with the Alpha and there are lots of good
possibilities with it. I say possibilities because I reckon this is so
far off a beta that it'll be a long time before they put one out.
However they could just be playing clever and release an Alpha even
though they already have a good Beta up their sleeve so that every one
will be totally amazed at the speed whith which they have improved the
Alpha! Erm, perhaps not.

Seriously there really are lots of good things coming, I think, but
there seems to be a long way to go.


| The Bat! Deep Alpha & SpamPal
| Windows XP (build 2600), version 5. 1 Service Pack 2
| Opera 8.00 build 7401

 Current beta is Deep Alpha | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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