At 10:48 [GMT-0500] on Friday February 25 (actual time - 11:48pm on Friday in
Perth, Western Australia), you wrote:

> I'm curious. What do you say to the people who have a dead 2 year-old
> who strangled himself by pressing the up button on the window with his
> knee because his dad forgot to set the window lock?

Truly bizarre. You cannot protect people from themselves all the time, no matter
how much you deprive normal society of supposedly dangerous items. (Like power
windows. Far out. I think cars themselves might kill a few more people than the
power windows in them, and I'm not sure that The Bat has a history of causing
too many fatalities. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

But as an analogy, that's one of the most ridiculous I've seen. Ever.


cheers, mic

"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."
Sir Winston Churchill, My Early Life, 1930

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