Hello Paul,

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 21:21:34 -0500 GMT (26/02/2005, 09:21 +0700 GMT),
Paul Van Noord wrote:

PVN> Also, some of those I work with have a 300 baud shortwave radio
PVN> connection for email or a 7500 cell phone connection costing 4.5
PVN> cents/min. They surely do not want HTML nor do they need it.

Nobody ever forces them to. The default would be to not download the
images. I do not understand all these objections to a whitelist, which
nobody needs to use if they don't want to.

PVN> They can selectively download attachments when circumstances
PVN> warrant it on a case by case basis. If the configuration files
PVN> are made inaccessible to the user so they are protected from
PVN> themselves,

Please do not protect *me* from myself. I do not take well to
nannying. If I cause a problem to my system by downloading images, it
will be my own fault and I will have to deal with it. TB is an email
client for grown-ups.



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