2/27/2005  8:20 AM

Hi Mary,

On 2/27/2005 Mary Bull wrote:

MB> This is so that I can protect myself from inadvertently putting a
MB> graphics image into a message-text bodyin the View Folder window.

MB> I am just one old-lady user. But I think perhaps there are others with
MB> my needs using TB!, or out there as potential users, and it would be
MB> so simple to respect this need of mine by having the capability OFF by
MB> Default.

MB> I have, in the past, actually been distracted and clicked Send, on the
MB> warning box that comes before a message is Sent, without intending to.
MB> At a computer screen, even the best of us make mistakes, I think. I'd
MB> like for the individual user to be able to choose, in regard to this
MB> particular functionality, the amount of risk for mistakes that the
MB> user is comfortable with.

MB> Note, however, that I do not object to others accepting more risk than
MB> I do. :)

Agreed. Gee-whiz functionality at the expense of privacy and security
is too high of a price for me to pay. I do object to others taking
risks if doing so has an impact on others. Irresponsibility begins as
soon we allow our actions to negatively affect someone else.

Take Care,

The Bat! v. on Win2k SP4 

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