Hi Greg,

On Sat, 26 Feb 2005, at 22:09:57 [GMT -0600] (which was 9:09 PM where
I live) you wrote:
GS> This thread is really about opinions. Everyone has one. :-)

Hey, you forgot to type out the rest of that saying! <grin>

GS> This is a very important point which should not be lost in the
GS> debate about opinions.

I don't think anyone has. RITLabs thrust was and still is (see how
they market it on their page) a secure product, "immune" to viruses,
protected, a safe alternative etc. If RITLabs decided to abandon that
marketing platform, then they need to get rid of those types of
bullets and throw out ones like, a secure product, well, only if you
know what you're doing and you don't enable any features that we send
to your disabled etc..

>> XHTML, WCAG, CSS, Section 508 are moving targets.
GS> Isn't most of the software / IT market a moving target?  :-)

To a certain extent. How long has RFC-822/2822 been around. How much
has it changed? The answer... *forever* (in computer years), and
almost none. XHTML just published 1.0 a cpl years back, then XHTML
1.1 really recently, and now 2.0 is nearly done. I've been in IT for a
long time, and that's one of the first standards I've seen evolve that
quickly. WCAG and Section 508 are heavily driven by XHTML and they
also have a heavy influence in where XHTML is going. Those in turn are
going to be driving how the HTML standard, currently v4, will evolve.
It's a huge nasty bowl of spaghetti.

RITLabs, IMHO, needs to stick with the meaty bowl of Ravioli.

GS> Don't you really want your email client to be just text based?
GS> What about the users who want HTML in their email?

Absolutely! I'm not trying to be difficult or facetious. If I want to
view an HTML message, I double click it to view it in a browser.
There's no ambiguity about a link pretending to be from my bank but
actually going to Mr. Hackers neighborhood.

GS> Being a user of technology both professionally and personally for
GS> many years the ONLY one sure guarantee in the technology market is
GS> CHANGE. Businesses in this market need to CHANGE with the market.

Not all change is good. Is TB to have a September that never ends?

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