Hello Tony,
On Saturday, February 26, 2005 you wrote:

>  3 months time, The Bat has the best html engine of any email client
>  available... Still no working flawless IMAP ability but great comic book
>  features. Hands up all those who are going to be jumping for joy and hands
>  up all those are *still* going to be using Thunderbird?

You  know  this is not gonna happen. Why don't you just try to look at
the  case  in  a  sensible  way, and not exaggerate it in all possible

Nobody  wrote they wanted RIT to drop everything (especially IMAP, but
you could place anything instead) and focus on a browser engine better
than Gecko (would take more than 3 months anyway).

This  topic  is  not  about  HTML  support,  but about external images
downloading.  Except it is linked with HTML it has nothing to it. It's
more about http.

External  images  downloading  is  NOT  about comic book. With as much
right  I  could  say,  that  your IMAP support is just for you to play
after  work,  and as such doesn't require much attention nor priority.
Technical  tools are just that -- tools. You can use them in different
ways.  The  same  applies  to external images downloading -- it can be
useful in everyday _*WORK*_.

And  Ritlabs  said many times, that different people work on different
areas.  I wouldn't be afraid that everything else would get dumped. Of
course  *some*  resources  would  have  to  be  spent  on  the feature
discussed,  but I believe that only to a sensible extent, and it would
benefit  many users. After all there *is* a reason why this discussion
comes back again and again.


 / Krzysztof Trybowski  pgp 0xE0F7733B  /--/  To get my pgp key, put  /
/ www.trybik.jest.okey.pl   GG 1458144 /--/  "send_key" in subject.  /_
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