In reply to <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :

GF>> the  misuse  of the technology they were providing. Now they made
GF>> it  more  secure  (not perfectly secure) without cutting down the
GF>> functionality that people had.

LG> Sure  they  did.  MS hosts a page listing hundreds of applications
LG> they broke by trying to fix their mistakes.

Can  you  post  the  link?  I'm  curious.  Even  though,  they  broke
third-party apps not their own! :)

GF>> some  people just don't know any better. The car makers don't put
GF>> speed  limits  in their cars because they might be bought by some
GF>> lame driver that may kill himself.

LG> You've  never  heard  of  governors?  They're  on  nearly every US
LG> military  vehicle. And many high performance vehicles have them in
LG> case  you  loan your car to your kid. You put a key in, and enable
LG> the governor.

Correct  me  if I'm wrong but isn't this example what we're requesting
and that you prefer not to have because most people might not know how
to enable the 'governor'? You prefer to not have the technology rather
than  have  it  there  but  disabled  by default. I find that attitude

LG> So  let's  look at it for people who are incapable of being a safe
LG> driver.  They  lose  their license, they are put in jail, they are
LG> required  to  have  interlock  devices installed in their vehicles
LG> (drunk  driving).  ISPs  already  shut  down  spammer  accounts or
LG> accounts  of  people doing things illegally. Are you ready to have
LG> your   ISP  shut  down  your  account  because  you  enabled  some
LG> functionality   without  fully  understanding  the  ramifications?

I don't qualify for that example! :)

LG> something that could have simply been mitigated by not opening the
LG> door in the first place, then go for Outlook. Friends love friends
LG> who send them viruses and spam.

Yeah,  RitLabs  must  be  tremendously  happy  with  you sending their
customers to other software vendors just because you believe that your
vision and needs are better then everybody else.

GF>> Make  an  easy mode for 'rookie' users and a Power mode for power
GF>> users.

LG> Yeah  right.  The first time a user has to turn on "advanced" mode
LG> just  so  they  can  see  images in HTML messages, they'll have it
LG> enabled and then god knows what else they'll turn on.

And so what? Are you the cop of email world? Do you dictate the rules?
Warn them about the dangers of turning that option ON.

GF>> I like to be able to do everything and then choose what I don't
GF>> want to do just because I want to not because I can't.

LG> For tech savvy users this is fine. I worked for AOL for a while in
LG> DSL  tech  support.  I'm  not  going  to  say  all  AOL  users are
LG> boneheads,  but  as a techy, AOL people scare the living daylights
LG> out of me!

Cars aren't sold just for good drivers, big maniacs can also buy them.

GF>> I disagree. That sort of speak is good for the "big brother
GF>> watching you".

LG> Yeah, preventing images in HTML mail means RITLabs is watching you.
LG> Makes a lot of sense. You win.. and I quote.. "Pleeeease..."

Your  vision  and how you're defending it is, not Ritlabs. They didn't
post any position on this.

Best regards,
Goncalo Farias

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