Dear Bill,

@3-Apr-2005, 16:00 -0500 (03-Apr 22:00 UK time) Bill McCarthy [BM] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

>> Calling it "Alpha" or "Pre-beta" is not a true technical label. It is
>> merely a humility on behalf of ritlabs concerning the
>> uncharacteristically unstable nature of the earlier releases.

BM> Marck, the most recent installments have been from 9Val (who has
BM> not called them pre-beta). The most recent one from Stefen was
BM> just released on March 22. The subject reads:

BM>    The Bat! Return (pre-beta) is now available

Do we really need to go round in circles? Yes, they are calling it
"pre-beta". But that's just words. This software is not pre-beta. It
is *real* beta. Like I said before - you have got FAR too hung up on
the label and are ignoring the content and intent.

>> It is not. This is a beta, whatever else it may represent to you. The
>> majority of list members consider it the beta. We who run the list
>> consider it so too.

BM> Represents to me?

Yes - you are the one making a song and dance about the *significance*
of what RITlabs are calling this beta series. To me, the phrase
"pre-beta" is almost a humorous gesture in acknowledgement of how they
have had to start the current cycle so much earlier than they would
have liked.

BM> It is Ritlabs that is calling them pre-betas. Read that subject
BM> line, I quoted for you above, a few more times :-)

Please stop. I'm not illiterate. I am perfectly capable of
understanding what you mean and what the term "pre-beta" means to you.
It doesn't mean the same thing to me in the context of the version we
are testing now. Nor does it mean the same to the other mods, nor to
most of the other beta testers on this list.

BM> Dailies are also pre-betas -

Incorrect. Dailies are interim builds of betas, pre-betas and
pre-release versions alike. Interim, that's all - not pre-anything.
And they are not being produced right now either.

BM> just like these 3.0.9.x Returns. This is not a very complicated
BM> concept to grasp is it?

It seems to be so.

BM> .. Ritlabs will also tell us if we can safely unrar it over Beta/10
BM> - the real current beta.

The current *real* beta IS, however much you want it not to
be because of some wording on message subjects. Beta is not
the current beta. I say so. RITlabs say so (on their Beta web site)
The list footer says so, The testers here on TBBETA say so.

Okay, I can see that you'd rather argue about the words and not
contribute to the real beta testing we are all doing. It is clear that
you wish to continue using an obsolete version until RITlabs decide to
take you seriously regarding subject lines of release notes. That is
your choice and prerogative. But since we are now going round in ever
decreasing circles - I don't agree with you, you don't understand me -
this equine has clearly been beaten beyond the bounds of it's earthly

However, I am in control of the footer of the list, so I win :-p .

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.0.9.12 Return on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

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