Hello Charlene!

On Wednesday, May 04, 2005, 2:40 PM, you wrote:

>> OK, I just received the original message. Seems odd, but not a TB!
>> problem, I think.

> We on the German side aren't pampered at all by Yahoo and have got used
> to this. Or maybe some individuals are more patient than others *scnr*

Yahoo again! Tony Boom thought I didn't notice his slip in mentioning
Yahoo, that serves TBOT, in connection with TBBETA. But I did, and
this, too! scnr :gdr:

TBBETA, which comes down, I notice, from something called "thrall,"
has no connection with Yahoo.

Factually speaking, for the last several days my messages on the
TBBETA list have been arriving from Comcast.net out of the order of
their creation/sending.

For instance, 9Val's RC2 announcement was well behind 6 other messages
commenting on it and on how RC2 was performing.

I don't think this is TB!'s problem or the host's problem--I think it
is just the way of the Web.

I had felt so pampered, until just lately, that the TB! lists'
messages arrived without messed-up chronology. But TBOT has given me a
good grounding in living with this sort of thing. :grin:

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5 Return RC2 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.5 Return RC/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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